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[pct-l] Watches, Compass, GPS, altimeter, thermometer, cell phones, Palm pilot, . . .
Leave it all behind? In my 4 months on the PCT, I never needed my compass,
including 3 1/2 days of crossing snow. In over 10 weeks in the Boundary
Waters/Quetico Park, I never needed my compass. Maps, and a good study of
the topography, was all I needed.
However, I would never go into the back country without a compass. Be
- References:
- [pct-l] Watches, Compass, GPS, altimeter, thermometer, cell phones, Palm pilot, . . .
- From: Bighummel@aol.com (Bighummel@aol.com)
- [pct-l] Watches, Compass, GPS, altimeter, thermometer, cell phones, Palm pilot, . . .
- From: bcascagn@law.uoregon.edu (Bradley Cascagnette)
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[pct-l] Watches, Compass, GPS, altimeter, thermometer, cell phones, Palm pilot, . . .
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[pct-l] Watches, Compass, GPS, altimeter, thermometer, cell phones, Palm pilot, . . .
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[pct-l] Food
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