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[pct-l] Running the PCT for the American Lung Association!
At 12:46 PM -0800 2/20/01, William Edward Kendall wrote:
>For some reason I find the idea of running the great American trails
>objectionable and distracting. Aren't there better places to perform these
>stunts...like the freeway or something.
Top ten reasons I am now convinced to stop the inappropriate trail running
and change to the freeway:
10- The freeway is so interesting ya know..all those glorious mile markers
9- Delicious freeway gas fumes enhance max VO2 uptake.
8- The roar honking of the cars adds to the total audio-visual experience
7- The challenge of drunk drivers cannot be met on the PCT, AT or even the CDT.
1- The plethora of "No Pedistrians Allowed" or "No running here" or "Keep
Out" signs.
Rich Calliger
3- Might catch up to the laggard bears scaring them silly for a change!!
2- In any 5-10 mile run I might actually beat the horses!
6-4 deleted so I dont catch any flack from the List Owner :-)) <smile>....