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[pct-l] Winter stoves!
It all depends on how many people will be using it. If I go with a group of
4 or more, it's best to drag out my 54oz. Optimus 111 which is a multi-fuel
stove that has a fairly quite burner when cooking and will simmer as well as
anything made. It has a built in pump and will burn 2 hours on one filling. I
still choose white gas over kerosene even in winter because its so much more
clean and no soot. It will hold a large pot for melting snow and still remain
much more stable than MSR type stoves. For rafting, canoeing or groups, you
cannot top this stove. The down side( as all things have one) is the cost and
high weight. You will pay 160.00 for this Swedish flame thrower if you can
even find one. Most likely, you will need to special order. Weight reduces
it's appeal to groups only. ( Unless you don't mind a stove that weighs as
much as your summer tent and sleeping bag combine! If it's only one or two on
your winter trips, stay with tried and true white gas stoves. MSR -model XGK
is still very hard to beat for just flat out melting snow. ( though pot stand
is only good for pots in the 2 to 3 litter range) I still use my old MSR
model 9 which was the very first MSR ever made which was built in 1973 and
still going strong. This is my Rainier stove and goes on each climb. XGK or
any other MSR's white gas models should be fine for 1 or 2 people on a winter
trip. Also don't write off the antique Svea 123 as a great little winter
stove. It doesn't have a very big fuel tank to melt lots of snow and is on
the " Tippy" side when loaded with a larger pot, but is as reliable as a
stove can be and will be burning for your kids after you are long dead!!! Mad