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[pct-l] whitney permits
In a message dated 2/12/01 1:54:18 PM Pacific Standard Time, kdpo@pacbell.net
> What I have found though is that the permits are easier to get if you start
> from somewhere other than Whitney Portal. We have had no trouble getting
> permits for Mt Whitney when hiking the JMT or PCT. I have also heard the
My experience in Southern CA backs up what Ken says. As a section hiker, I
used to go into the local Cleveland National Forest office each year and get
a permit to hike from Campo to the CA border. (That's the limit for which the
Cleveland National Forest can issue a permit.) They generally asked, "Do you
want a Whitney Stamp on that?" I never had a problem getting one.
I discussed this one year with a Ranger at the Lone Pine Station. He said
that's the way that I should do it because those permits and stamps do NOT
count against the Whitney quota when issued that way.
It also worked that way for me when I got a JMT permit from Yosemite in '96.
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