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[pct-l] Donner pass south to echo lake

Hi there!

I am new to the list and what else is there to say but I'm glad that the
PCTA and this list are out there.

This summer a group of us will be hiking the section from Donner pass south
to echo lake.  I have gone through the PCT book and looked at the maps at
the REI and noted that the trail seems to disappear on the maps north of the
Tahoe City map.  Possibly because the are dated in the 1970's?????

My question is:

Is there a trails illustrated or similar type map available that actually
has the trail on it. (I am using the Desolation Wideness map for that
section).  Or possibly I just suck at reading maps.  Please don't tell me to
go by the CD ROM TOPO. Or maybe the trail is so well established and marked
that a isn't needed?


Jack Young

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