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[pct-l] Todays Tip
Since 80 % of all socks worn this year on the PCT are grey " Woolsmart "
socks, I'd advice any thru-hiker to put a mark of some type so socks are not
mixed up at large gathering places like Barrel Springs, Anza or Warner. Most
hikers suffer some blisters the first two weeks and getting socks mixed up
is a pain. Camp Anza had about 15 pair hanging on the line that looked all
the same.------- Water at the 3d gate was totally gone at my arrival. Many
hikers knew the water was there and opted to just carry a gallon to the gate
and were far too depentant on other people packing for them. ( Jeff Z. and
Tony D even packed in a extra gallon apiece and left at the 8 mile " sandy
wash " past the scissors crossing. I carried 10 liters and finished the 24
miles with a half liter to spare. ( as I camped just 7 miles in from the
scissors on a small saddle ) Water in the future should be stashed but not
advertised as some hikers are inclined to carry less if they think they can
grab more 12 miles down the trail. ( thank you again for all the hard
thankless work you water stashers pull off, right on!!!!! ) Monte
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