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[pct-l] My late start, request for trail angels :)

Hey all,

This is Chris Mills.  I'm mostly a lurker, but I am the last of the year
2000 thru-hikers for this season.  I'll be leaving Campo on May 21st.
Anyway, I was wondering if I can ask a favor of those wondrous trail angels
out there.  I arrive at the SD airport on the 21st (Sunday) at 11:45am.  I
need to get to an outdoor shop where I can buy fuel (Coleman Powermax
canisters) since I can't take it on the plane.  Then I need to get to the
trailhead.  Will anyone be heading in that general direction that day, or
will anyone be really bored and looking for something to do?  Because I
would really appreciate the ride!  Will pay for gas/lunch, etc. of course.
	Also, how late are the trail angels out there who are supplying the water
drops going to keep at it?  Thanks for all the help and info!
--Chris "Shotgun" Mills
* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
