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Re: [pct-l] KOP
Public thanks and rejoicing at the great event that happened at Lake Morena
Campground. Seeing old friends and making new ones; the remarkable ingenuity;
not one tent the same as another; laughter, stories, water stashes, trail
descriptions, a Kevlar bear bag; and mostly, the people. We long distance
hikers are as fascinating, bright, off-the-beaten-track, curious, varied,
dedicated, determined, laughter-filled a group of people as I have ever come
Thanks to the hard work of Tom and Charlie and Ann and Bob and all the gang who
worked so hard to create the KOP. I wouldn't have changed a thing. Join us next
year, whether you're hiking or have hiking or plan to hike or just dream about
it. This is a great gathering!
Enjoy the day.
Namaste, m
Margo Chisholm
Coach, Speaker, Author, Therapist
Partnering you in having success,
freedom and joy in all areas of your life
970-704-9336 fax 970-704-9346
"No man is free who is not master of himself.
Is freedom anything else than the power of
living as we choose?"
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