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[pct-l] Re: pct-l-digest V1 #1120

I'd have to disagree vehemently with Mr. Hummel (as nice as he is) about the Sierra snow conditions. I was in Bishop last week and found tons and tons of snow on the dry EAST side of the range at 8500 feet and above. At my job near Donner Pass, there is a great deal of snow, and at the pass itself, the PCT is still nearly impossible to find. Since the trail is routed in some giant canyons, an overflight of the range would not give an accurate idea of the actual conditions. There is a good reason Highway 108 and Tuolumne Meadows remain closed. There's a great deal of snow up

Northbounders, take your time; you can make tracks in Oregon if you need to.

Wish I had made the kickoff party, but I'll be out on the trail quite a bit this summer.


* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
