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[pct-l] ADZ
We all sure missed you that weren't able to attend the ADZ. Your list
personalities raise curious minds to the question the full nature of the real
person in-person. Marge (the old gal) thought Monte would be an old cranky
man and was surprised to find him a relatively young, soft spoken, light
hearted person! I thought that Roy Robbins would turn out to be an
outspoken, overweight, blow heart and was pleased to find him to be,
in-person, a tall, reserved, introspective gentleman with an anal, engineer
Okay, while Monte is out on the trail somebody has to pick up the slack!
PS Next year we're going to hold a contest for the quickest stove to boil 2
cups and can fit into your pack! Weight and ease of use will count nothing.
. . . and yes, I AM sitting around, bored, wishing that I was out on the
trail and finding nothing to do except trying to piss off someone off and
entertain others . . .
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