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[pct-l] San Gabriel Mtns.
- Subject: [pct-l] San Gabriel Mtns.
- From: Jim Batdorff <batdorff@coosnet.com>
- Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 14:19:50 -0700
Hello PCT Listers,
Gary B. and I just came through the San Gabriel Mtns. Sec. D Grassy Hollow (Hwy 2) to Agua Dulce (Apr 6-11). Here is what we found.
Apr 6; Mt. Baden Powell trail is impassable due to snow. Probably will be 3- 4 weeks before you can get through safely. Hwy 2 from Vincent Gap to Islip Saddle still closed. Some 10 ft drifts on this road but good access around Mt. Baden Powell. Water on Hwy 2 just 0.3 miles up from Islip Saddle parking lot.
Apr 7; Water in Little Rock Creek by Rattlesnake Canyon Trail and in Little Rock Creek near Burkhart trail. No water at 3 Points parking lot on Hwy 2; but piped water on trail approximately 1.5 miles prior to parking lot.
Apr 8; Water at Mill Crk Ranger station.
Apr 9; Water at N. Frk Ranger Station. Tent spots available at Ranger Station. Showers available.
Apr 10; No water in Mattox Canyon. Water at RV parks in Soledade Canyon. Questionable water near I-14 tunnel. Water in Vasquez County Park. Donna and Jeff Saufley open for hikers in Agua Dulce.
Jim B.
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