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Re: [pct-l] AT verses the PCT
What you say is true - the PCT has the desert, the snowy Sierras, and
long miles. However, you know that it isn't usually a lack of courage
that derails a thruhike - it's rarely the big things, but more likely the
little ones that send people home. The non-stop rain (one day in three is
wet), the roots and rocks, for some, the rock climbing and 1500' per mile
climbs in New Hampshire, etc. send a lot of AT hikers home. For some
westerners, it's the lack of open terrain. While the long green tunnel
has its own beauty, not everyone can appreciate that. And though they
are gradually taming it, some of the steep ups and downs get to a lot of
hikers - either physically (a lot more knee problems on the AT) or
mentally. One well known PCT hiker quit in Monson (100 miles from the
end), screaming, "They're trying to kill us. This trail is too
dangerous." True story, and it's on videotape. Remember, the AT was
not built for horses as the PCT was, so the standards for construction
are very different. A lot of the old sections are straight up and down.
(Though that's changing too, darn it.) For some, it's the tameness of
the trail that sends them to more remote places.
For anyone hiking a second long distance trail, you have to accept that
the new trail will be different from the old one. For AT hikers, you have
to accept that the PCT and CDT do not have the same kind of social
aspects as the AT, and that the lessons you learned in 2000 miles may not
be enough, there are more lessons to learn about heat, water and snow.
For PCT hikers, they have to accept that the AT is a social trail with
occasional views, but not the kind you knew on the PCT, and that though
they are short, the appalachians are still a force to be reckoned with
and that the weather can be a factor in your enjoyment of the trail. If
you can't accept the trail as it is, whichever trail you are on, you will
be unhappy, and may eventually go home. It's a head game. The trail is
what it is, and your wishing won't change it.
On Wed, 12 Apr 2000 02:34:47 EDT Montedodge@aol.com writes:
> How can someone have enough guts to finish a PCT hike , but fish out
> on the > lower and shorter AT??
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