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[pct-l] On Training for Hikes
OK Pete - what PCT trail tapes?
Mary B
>From: "Pete Asprey" <pete@asprey.net>
>Reply-To: <pete@asprey.net>
>To: "PCT (E-mail)" <pct-l@edina.hack.net>
>Subject: [pct-l] On Training for Hikes
>Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 16:36:41 -0700
>Question- What type of training do you do to get ready for a long
>hike?"When you feel the winds of change, build a windmill, not a windbreak"
>I try to train in three ways. I put on my pack, with a 3 gallon water
>bottle and some other junk in it, climb on the treadmill set at 14 degrees
>up 2-3 mles per hour (or more if energetic), put on my PCT trail tapes (or
>read a book, or some other video training) for an hour or so each
>evening--for as long as I have time for. I alternate this with the same
>pack on, trecking poles and hike the farm roads around where I live
>(flat/sea level). This is usually after dark, and I use the trecking poles
>to avoid falling or wrenching knees ankles (a plug for the extra safty the
>poles offer). Finally, I do some weight training, and of course, mountain
>hikes whenever I can. While nothing prepares for the long days, the fact
>that I train with pack on toughens all the areas that might have been
>raw, and hardens the right muscles. Whatever is right for you!
>* From the PCT-L | Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html *
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* From the PCT-L | Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html *