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Re: [pct-l] Introduction and Comments
Pads are a personal issue of comfort level. I have extensive hiking
experience w/o a pad and am quite used to it. So, why take the extra
weight? However, Katrina may still decide to take one. Each of us must
determine what level of comfort we would like to have and pack accordingly.
(The mylar umbrella and pads were difficult decisions for us)
The 11 day trek between supply points and the resupply are related. To add
more resupply spots requires distance from the trail. I am attempting my
best to minimize time and distance from the trail. Additionally, these
points require heavy elevation changes with full loads (after resupply).
Food weight is reduced slightly due to more reliance on well prepared, high
nutrition home dehydration instead of the normal snack food mistake so
common on the AT. Don't get me wrong! Snack foods can be OK in the
correct quantities, but to rely on snickers to get you over the next pass
is basically a trick we play on ourselves.
The titanium fuel bottle was attained by badgering REI to order it directly
from MSR. I was only able to get the .8 liter bottle and it took 7 weeks.
On Sun, 2 Apr 2000 14:37:21 -0400 PDietrich@checkfree.com writes:
> Our plan includes 26 resupply points, no crampons, no umbrella,
> tent (Kelty Zen), no pads, dragonfly stove, and titanium fuel bottle
> cookpot (2 qt.). We are doing our best to keep pack weights down, but
> water and food weight are real problems. Expect weights for Katrina's
> to range between 19 and 29 lbs and mine between 24 and 37 lbs. This
> includes water and food, but not base (worn clothing. I consider this
> be light to medium pack weights. Ultra-light doesn't seem to suit
> us. Our longest time between resupply is eleven days.
Keep in mind that anything free is worth what you pay for it (and this is
free) :-)
So for what it's worth -
Why no pads? Over the long haul you'll sleep better with a pad - and
you'll need all the sleep you can get. One of the reasons some peole
don't finish long distance hike is because they just plain get tired.
Even Jardine didn't go without one. We use Ridgerest 3/4 (9 oz)
Why 11 days? If pack weight is a problem, then adding a couple more
resupply points might help. We have a few more than you and our max is 9
days out of Lone Pine followed by a 7 out of Bridgeport.
Our pack weights are in the same range. But we figure on higher food
weights - our 6 day food weight last year for the last 500 miles on the
CDT was 27# for the 2 of us.
A question - where did you find a titanium fuel bottle? Haven't seen one
of those before.
Walk softly,
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