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[pct-l] Resupply questions -
Anybody know the specifics on the following? Most of these are questions
about arriving at a resupply point on Sunday or late Saturday.
Tuolome Meadows - can you get your packages when the Post Office isn't
really opened? Like on Saturday p.m. or Sunday?
Kennedy Meadows from Sonoroa Pass: How easy is it to get there? Amenities
Hyatt Lake: Are they accepting packages? Hours?
Skykomish: Any drop spots other than the post office? What is the Bed and
Breakfast there?
Stahekin: Any drop spots other than the post office?
Marshall Karon, Systems Analyst
Multnomah County Health Department
Health Information Systems
426 SW Stark Street - 7th Floor
Portland, OR 97204
E-Mail: marshall.d.karon@co.multnomah.or.us
Phone: (503) 248-3056 Ext. 28186 Fax: (503) 248-3015
* From the PCT-L | Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html *