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>A big drawback, not touted on their web page, seems to be the length of time 
>required to filter (drink) a liter of water: about 3 minutes. Of course, 
     It's not hard to drink from.  It's just as hard as a normal squirt
The problem I've noticed is that the last fifth of the water stays in the
unfiltered and undrinkable, as it is below the level of the filter when
(if that makes any sense)

>this would not be such an issue for the person using the device as intended 
>- taking a swig here, and a swig there, "push-top" bottle-style. But I can 
>foresee the occasional frustration when wanting to chug a couple of quarts 
>before taking off from a water source. And I can imagine growing tired of 

     Don't worry about having to drink a couple of quarts.  If you need to
that much you'll appreciate a leisurely pace.  One quart quickly chugged is
the comfortable limit your stomach can handle.  Two quarts quickly chugged
make you feel quite uncomfortable.  Any more than that is about impossible,
human stomach is simply not big enough.

>the constant squeezing of the bottle, filtering the water as-you-go, for 
>month upon month during a long hike. And what about the slow-clog syndrome - 
>anyone have a sense of how long this device remains "convenient," and then 
>how effective the filter cleaning process might be? 

   The prefilter mesh netting seems to be a very durable, workable design,
but I too wonder about the filter flowrate over its lifetime.

>For those unfamiliar, the Safewater web site is www.safewateranywhere.com 
>If this device were to have a shining moment, I would imagine it might 
>happen during a long day of hiking, and in a well watered area. Here, the 
>hiker could stop very briefly at each source, scoop a liter of water, then 
>sip on-the-go. Whereas the person using a pump filter would spend a fair bit 

     Or just fill up a gallon water jug from the creek, and use that to top
off the
bottle as you go.

>From only a few uses (about six days backcountry) I'm guessing that the
fliptop lid
hinge will be the first to go.  It appears well stressed already.

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