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Re: [pct-l] Teknu

>Another thing I once read somewhere was that a coating of hairspray applied
>right to the skin works well as a blocker.  I suppose it would decrease
>urushiol exposure but I don't know, I bet that'd sorta drive ya nuts,
>having that on your skin.....anyone on the list ever try it?
>Kevin Corcoran

Have not tried that, but I have tried it on my hair, and so far so good.

Another idea that might save having to carry the weight of a specialized 
product, might be naptha (white gas) or alcohol fuel. Pour it over the 
affected area, perhaps within 10 minutes of contact, then flush with water. 
After using any of these products, be extra careful to avoid further contact 
with poison plants, since the oil-dissolving products tend to strip the 
protective oils from the skin as well.

- Blisterfree

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