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[pct-l] Re: Walnut oil
As the originator of the walnut oil suggestion, I suspect that Rusty is
probably right. I should have remembered that there is a reason I always keep
walnut oil in the fridge.
Perhaps on an AT thruhike starting in March...
I have a question/thought about essential fatty acids... how many
calories/gram do essential fatty acids pack? If they are like fats, then the
weight of the capsules wouldn't be "unwanted." They would just be another way
of carrying food.
And what "flavorful" oils pack reasonably well?
-- Jim
> > I think walnut oil might be a nice
> > one to bring also (just for a different flavor).
> You might want to reconsider this option. Though walnut oil may
> be a big plus in term of adding flavor to a meal and it is also
> high in essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs (the omega 3s and 6s)
> are a necessary part of everyone's diet and go a long way to
> support proper health (anti-inflammatory action), but they are
> highly unstable and are subject to easy rancidity. This is a subject
> I have considered with no good conclusions: how to increase the
> EFA's in a backpackers diet but yet avoid the rancidity problem.
> The only option I have come up with is to either eat
> a lot of fresh trout (good source of EFA's) or take capsules
> (bulky and unwanted weight). If any one has an idea on this please
> let me know.
> Rusty "MyTie" Johnston
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