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Re: [pct-l] BOUNCE pct-l@backcountry.net: Non-member submission from ["Jim and/or Ginny Owen" <spiriteagle99@hotmail.com>]

on 3/18/00 1:10 PM, PCT List Admin at brick@fastpack.com wrote:

> What is the current set up in Agua Dulce to pick up mail? I seem to remember
> that the Century 21 Office is no longer accepting packages, so do we go to
> the post office in the market instead? Is this a problem?
> Ginny

Yes, use the PO in the market. It's kinda like one of those Mail Boxes Etc
places. They have your packages and mail on a giant rack in the front of the
store. It's self service.

http://www.pcthiker.com | experience the pacific crest trail

* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
