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RE: [pct-l] Today's tip

You can skip the "cozy" and simply put your hot soaking meal under your
sleeping bag, etc. Admittedly, I do put my meal in the pot and thus need to
wash it, but that is easy and uses little water (besides, I try to cook only
where there is water). 

Marshall Karon, Systems Analyst
Multnomah County Health Department
Health Information Systems
426 SW Stark Street - 7th Floor
Portland, OR 97204
E-Mail: marshall.d.karon@co.multnomah.or.us
Phone: (503) 248-3056 Ext. 28186 Fax: (503) 248-3015

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronald Moak [mailto:ronm@fallingwater.com]
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2000 9:13 AM