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[pct-l] Wasington PCT Fall 1999

Mike - Yes I'm the same Mountain Dave you met. North of Ollalie was a real 
adventure. Howling ground blizzard at Mt. Hood while camped 100 yds. from 
Timberline Lodge (no rooms available). White out and 6 in. snow at Goat 
Rocks. Fire hose soaked at White Pass(stayed in motel). Utterly drenched at 
Snoqualmie Pass(stayed in motel). Beautiful Fall weather Snoqualmie to Rainy 
Pass. Shrieking 3 day blizzard at Harts Pass. Stayed in yurt at Windy Pass 
and hurricane force winds nearly tore it down. Bailed out back to Harts pass 
and Mazama while the getting was good, stopped in my tracks just 22 miles 
from the Canadian border! Oh well!!!  Got a permit for the John Muir Trail 
for 8 people starting August 7, if anyone's interested. Several spots still 
open. Going to take it slow, about 10 miles a day and do some Mt. climbing. 
No point in rushing through this time and hopefully the bugs will be dead.
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