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A few suggestions from my 1999 thru hike:
You don't need a tent in S. cal. no bugs and very little inclement weather
first 700 miles. A good idea to have one thereon
I used a wood burning stove ( sierra Zip - Campmor) and loved it. Only 1
lb. and I could cook 45min. meals without worrying about fuel. One aa batt.
every 4 days
Went with supplex nylon and polarguard duds. Sportif shirts last forever.
ditto Red Wing socks. Took three pair and still wearing them today!
Internal pack vs. external. Tweedle dum and Tweedle dee. Have used both
extensively and can't tell the difference.
Don't need supply parcels at: Big Bear, Idylwild, Wrightwood, Mojave, S.
Lake Tahoe, Independence, Castella, Ashland, Cascade Locks, Snoqualmie Pass.
Everywhere else, yes. You can also mail resupply parcels from these towns,
priority mail.
Don't miss Vermilion Valley Resort. Best layover of all.
Umbrellas - ha ha ha - Wind and brush rip them apart in hours.
Callahan's near Ashland - can stay in barn loft for free.
Don't miss Donna's in Agua Dulce - best Trail Angel of all and there are
Best bug protection - long sleeve shirt and pants
Ditto for overheating in the sun - read guidebook if you don't believe me.
Won't say anything about boots. You won't listen anyway. You'll just have
to find out the hard way that fabric boots suck
Your worst enemy is going to be that voice that say's,"why am I doing this"
The only way to defeat him is to refuse to listen to him.
Best of trails and good luck to you.
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