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[pct-l] [pct list] query to Y2K thru-hikers

Some of you may know that I'm an editor at GORP.com, the Web's largest 
outdoor and travel site. We were approached this year by a hiker looking for 
sponsorship to thru-hike the AT. We've been talking about the idea, and are 
trying to see if we can work something out on each of the three big trails.

Here's what we want to do:

1) Find thru-hikers on each of the major trails who are willing to carry a 
SMALL (like 1 1/2 pounds) computer, which would (we hope) be provided by a 
computer maker. (You'd have to give it back at the end). Or, if you're 
already planning on carrying a computer, you could use yours. 

2) We'll help you get some gear, either free, so you can test it, or at a 30 
percent pro-deal discount.

3) There would be some amount of financial support for your thru-hike.

In return you would:

1) Talk up GORP on the trail (when and if it was appropriate) so people you 
met would know they could follow along with your hike as you go.

2) Hook up to the Internet whenever you'r in town and send us some trail 
journals or articles. Also, interact with (ie: answer questions from) GORP 
visitors on our site.

3) Host a forum (questions and answers) after your trip. 

This is a great opportunity for anyone who is an aspiring writer. Obviously, 
we're looking for someone who can write reasonably well -- we'd like to get 
someone whose observations go beyond the usual "my feet hurt and I have 
blisters the size of Montana." We get 1 million hits a month, so a lot of 
people would be following what you're doing. 

If you're interested in learning more, e-mail me at KBerger466@AOL.com. (I'm 
also at KBerger@GORP.com -- that's easier to remember.)

* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
