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[pct-l] PCT Roster
Hi all,
Yes, I've been remiss in keeping my roster updated. Life is wonderfully
full! I'll be doing a massive update this weekend and will add a 2001
section for Kelly and Travis and any others planning to journey next
year. For those of you who are on the roster, please check to see your
information is correct, whether you hiked in '99 or are hiking in '00.
If you're not on, I'd love to add you. Just send your name, trailname,
start date, and where you're hiking.
This roster is not just for thruhikers. You section hikers, get your
name on the list. It's marvelous to be a part of this great community.
I'll be on the CDT this year rather than the PCT and will be returning
where I left off at Reds Meadow in '01.
Enjoy the day.
Namaste, m
Margo Chisholm
Coach, Speaker, Author, Therapist
Partnering you in having success,
freedom and joy in all areas of your life
970-704-9336 fax 970-704-9346
"No man is free who is not master of himself.
Is freedom anything else than the power of
living as we choose?"
* From the PCT-L | Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html *