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RE: [pct-l] Questions?

Regarding Vermillion (a few miles off the trail). But Red's Meadow is only a
day + further and on-trail.

Vermillion is a fine place to stop: Food, views on the lake, free bunk -
great. But, be prepared to spend $. Don't remember the fee per package. Same
amount for sending one. Everything needs to be driven in by staff. Also pay
for shower, washing clothes, and phone (was $2/minute - cell), boat shuttle
on the lake. That was a few years ago and all of this may have changed. I
dropped about $70 for a night including meals, etc.
Marshall Karon, Systems Analyst
Multnomah County Health Department
Health Information Systems
426 SW Stark Street - 7th Floor
Portland, OR 97204
E-Mail: marshall.d.karon@co.multnomah.or.us
Phone: (503) 248-3056 Ext. 28186 Fax: (503) 248-3015

-----Original Message-----
From: Robinson, Brian A [mailto:brian.robinson@compaq.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 5:16 PM