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RE: [pct-l] water belt
-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly Miller [mailto:aj7x@amsat.org]
I was thinkin' (bad, I know).
So, lets say we have our one pound pack filled with ala RJ 8.5 pounds of
Ok, maybe 10 or 12.
Now, how about a hip belt like hunters use to carry shotgun shells Only
one would carry 20 oz or 1 liter water bottles carried upside down or
way worked the best - enough to get us through the upcoming dry stretch.
still have the extra weight, but it's all on your hips, and the pack doesn't
have to deal with it. Some lightweight material and elastic?..... Maybe
bottles could even act as a support for the pack.
Has anyone tried something like this? Or am I just dreamin'?
This seems to be a popular option with some of the "no hip belt" crowd on
the BackpackingLight list
(http://www.onelist.com/messages/BackpackingLight), although not necessarily
just for water. There have been treads discussing which fanny packs are
lightest and which ride high enough on which to rest the pack some of the
Personally, I believe that if you want a hip belt, you should go with a pack
that has a hip belt, like the G4. (http://www.gvpgear.com/)
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