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- In-Reply-To: <200001252300.RAA24505@edina.hack.net>
> Anyone else have
> any good but simple food suggestions?
I have a lot of great ideas but still need to spend the time working through
them and getting them down on paper or on the web site. Being a student of
nutrition and a backpacker, it would follow I am a fanatic about trail
nutrition. With the postponement of PCTResearch, I plan to take this season
to develop and try out a series trail recipes designed with the health of
the hiker in mind. I'm particularly interested in developing a menu for
pressure cooking trail recipes, which probably puts me in the category of
being nuts for carrying a pressure cooker, which I do. But, then again, nuts
are nutritious.
Back to the point. One grain that works well on the trail, even for the
ultra-lites, is Quinoa. A South American grain, it offers a good break from
the typical rice and pasta, has the highest and most complete amino acid
profile of the grains, and cooks fairly quickly, under 15 minutes. It's
found in most health food stores. Be sure to rinse the grain well as it has
natural soponins on it. Another suggestion if you wanted more whole grains
is to pre-cook them at home and then dehydrate them so that they will cook
faster on the trail. You will lose more vitamins, but then you're all taking
at least a multivitamin, right?
If anybody has more specific questions or is interested in backcountry
pressure cooking, I encourage you post your questions and comments on the
message board at http://www.pcthiker.com , where I can respond to them
Rusty "MyTie" Johnston
pctresearch@pcthiker.com | Long-distance backpacking research
http://www.pcthiker.com | experience the Pacific Crest Trail
* From the PCT-L | Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html *