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[pct-l] guidebook update

Thanks Ben for the guidebook updates for California
sections A-E.  Can we expect updates for the rest of
CA, as well as OR and WA?

Also, I noticed that there's a 25-mile detour in
sections C11 and C12 due to a massive fire.  The
suggested detour takes you into a town called Cedar
Glen on Arrowhead Lake.  Has anybody ever been there? 
I'm wondering what it's like for resupply purposes. 
Of course, I could resupply in Big Bear City for the
entire trek to Wrightwood, but would rather resupply
halfway in Cedar Glen if there's anything there of
substance.  Ben indicates there's a grocery store. 
Any info anybody?

P.S.  This burned section that will be closed includes
the Deep Creek Hot Spring...too bad. :^(
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