[pct-l] Lake Marina kick off

Tim Umstead tumstead96 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 20:19:56 CDT 2018

It is true that the 'P' never stuck, but it was talked about and used at
one time.  The great thing about the Internet is that it remembers
everything.  There is a post to this list by none other then Strider...

   - *Subject*: Re: [pct-l] questions about adzpctko party
   - *From*: Greg Hummel <ghummel at hydrogenburner.com>
   - *Date*: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 08:58:40 -0800
   - *Cc*: pct-l at backcountry.net



I am planning to go down to Lake Moreno on Friday evening, April 16.
Anyone flying into LAX that day, I can arrange to pick up on my way home
from work and take down to Campo that night.

Tom, I think that I will be full, between my kids, camping stuff, one or
two PCT'ers, packs and the water for stashing.  If you can bring any other
provisions required then I can bring all of the water.  I will be in
Mammoth this weekend, so let's coordinate with Charlie next week and
arrange food, supplies, equipment, etc. for the ADZPCTKOP.

I will be snowshoeing in the Red's Meadow area this weekend and give an
early (and therefor highly useless) report when I return.

Greg "Strider" Hummel
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *

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