[pct-l] Lake Marina kick off

Tim Umstead tumstead96 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 23:19:47 CDT 2018

>From the beginning I have missed 4 or 5 of the KOP's, and most of those
were toward the end.  When we hiked the PCT in 2015 we skipped the KOP,
just to avoid all the people and have a few days of trail to ourselves.
I'm not sad that the KOP's have ended, but I really did like seeing all of
the ultra-light gear from companies that you do not find in a REI like
store; Gossamer Gear, Z-Packs, Six Moons, and such like.

If I remember correctly, The KOP starting date was picked to line
thru-hikers up to hike into the Sierras during an average rainfall year.
 Look at last year, snow fall was about double an average year.  To hit the
Sierras at the right time you needed to start late.  If you start later it
will be hot in So Ca.  That is all there is to it.  The faster you are the
later you need to start.  I started the PCT on 4/12/96 and 4/19/15.  Not a
bad time.  It did get a little hot but not to bad, maybe the 90's.  Note: I
live in San Diego County, day hikes in the 90's is not abnormal.  In fact,
it is fun to hike by people hiding in the shade and it is only in the low

Side note:  Why do I put a 'P' at the end of KOP and not just KO.  Well in
the very beginning the acronym was ADZPCTKOP not ADZPCTKO.  It was Annual
Day Zero Pacific Crest Trail Kick Off Party.  At some point they dropped
the Party.  I never did.

Papa Raven
The Ravens
PCT '96, '15
CDT '17

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