[pct-l] Disposing of Permithrin ///Re: Pct-L Digest, Vol 99, Issue 1
Jim & Jane Moody
moodyjj at comcast.net
Fri Mar 4 07:18:14 CST 2016
But what do you do with the cat litter? Put it in the trash? Spread it on the yard?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pamela Bryant" <pambryant58 at gmail.com>
To: jcil000-hiker at yahoo.com
Cc: Pct-L at backcountry.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2016 2:07:16 PM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Disposing of Permithrin ///Re: Pct-L Digest, Vol 99, Issue 1
What about cat litter? Buy some cheap cat litter and let it soak up the
excess permithrin from rinsing of the container or bottle 3 times and
dispose empty, rinsed out bottle or container in trash.
A pharmacist told me to use this method to get rid of old medications
instead of disposing down the toilet or trash.
On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 10:33 AM, <jcil000-hiker at yahoo.com> wrote:
> In response to the following comment:
> "There are ways of disposing of chemicals at home. Not trying to
> be disrespectful here. Just a polite suggestion.
> Tom Brokaw"
> I didn't see a suggestion, Tom. I saw a comment. Whats your solution other
> thanwhat the manufacturer label instructs consumers to do?
> I don't have a bottle to look at for the moment, so I can't quote the
> label. By the way,I loved the tip about buying the product as an animal
> care product. Maybe cheaper.
> So I looked up the mandatory Federal label and it states that disposal is
> in household trash. However,years ago, the State of California was
> requiring chemical containers (not all inclusive) to be "triple rinsed with
> tap water" and then the container was okay to dispose of in householdtrash.
> But that triple rinsed water was going down the drain. Those regs have no
> doubt changed.And I do recall that chemicals far worse that permethrin were
> involved. I was aware of thatprocedure because the local county agency was
> doing that & my best friend worked for them.
> https://www.duluthtrading.com/media/images/msds/86021_msds.pdf
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