[pct-l] PCT DVDs
Ikem Freeman
ikem.freeman at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 10:48:34 CST 2016
Wow, Tortoise73, that is a big job! Now for my recommendation: 2006 is the
best of the best, as far as I'm concerned! Any other votes? I hiked in '08,
and watched '06 for the first time at KO. It put the fear of god in me in a
big way ... in fact, looking back, I'm surprised I didn't pack it up and go
home straight from KO! But I didn't ... I grabbed a pair of crampons and
ventured onward north. And while I only made it to Mt. Hood, I'm glad I did.
O. Ikem SoFar
On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 9:58 PM, Tortoise <Tortoise73 at charter.net> wrote:
> Hello all. Let me explain about the PCT DVDs. I sort of forgot that this
> list has roughly two kinds of users.
> 1. Those planning on hiking the PCT in the next year or two or so. These
> people use this list to get the information they need, share a few stories,
> etc. and are not familiar with all the extra stuff talked about here.
> 2. Long time denizens such as myself who've been on this list for years
> offering advice and insight to others and know what many of the cryptic
> references mean.
> Those in the second group understood my mention of PCT DVDs while most in
> the first group are puzzled. So I'll explain.
> Starting with the "Class of 2003" those who hiked at least a significant
> portion of the PCT if not the whole PCT, a class video was compiled. Each
> year some brave soul (probably not knowing the magnitude of the task)
> volunteered to produce a video yearbook of the trail and hikers that year
> from pictures and videos submitted by other hikers.
> I don't know how the DVDs for a year were first distributed -- I think
> many were mailed to other hikers. Then others like myself wanted the DVDs
> too and we got someone to make us a copy and then we in turn made copies
> for a few others who wanted a copy. I don't know what year I took on the
> "trail angel" role of burning and sending copies to all who requested. In
> recent years it seems that most hikers can download and make their own
> DVDs. Not so in earlier years.
> Anyway for some years I've been making and sending out the DVDs of the
> various years.
> Coming to the present --
> ISO's of all the yearly videos are available for download from Plan Your
> Hike, http://www.planyourhike.com/media/pctdvd.php and you can watch and
> burn your own DVDs.
> If you can't do the download and burn for whatever reason, I've burned and
> sent DVDs. I've got enough blank DVDs I think to fulfill anticipated
> requests; I'll make and send you the DVDs.
> Class (year) DVDs are available for years 2003 thru 2014 except for 2009
> and 2013. I don't know if those 2 years will ever be available so please
> don't ask me.
> Now, to request a DVD or two, simply send me your name and US postal
> address and the years wanted. I'll make and burn DVDs as I also do other
> stuff on my computer. One rule: I do not accept any compensation for doing
> this so stay on my good side and don't send any. If you want to express
> your gratitude, please do some trail maintenance (any trail will do) or
> send a contribution to the Pacific Crest Trail Association.
> Happy trails.
> --
> Tortoise
> Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution
> inevitable
> President John F Kennedy, 1962
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