[pct-l] OR snow levels

Susanna Damgaard susanna.damgaard at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 12:14:37 CDT 2015

Ditto what BunnySlayer said.  (thanks again for the ride last August,
BunnySlayer!!!)  We hiked 50 miles from Fish Lake--Crater lake 2 weekends
ago.  Debbie at Fish Lake warned us that the north side of Mount McLaughlin
doesn't usually melt out till July, and that it might be treacherous.  We
actually didn't hit any snow at all until about 30 PCT miles north of
there, in the Seven Lakes region--there was 1 completely snow-covered north
slope that we had to plunge-step down.  Late afternoon, so no prob--but if
you hit that in the morning, would be icy and steep.

I doubt if there will be any snow at all in that section in the coming

AT 09
LT 11
PCT 12
CDT SOBO 15 leaving in 11 days!!!!!!!!!!!

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