[pct-l] questions about poison oak recovery

Marion Davison mardav at charter.net
Sat Mar 22 16:40:46 CDT 2014

I'm hoping to find some experts-due-to-experience here.
Two weeks ago I attended PCTA chain saw certification class at Mt. 
Palomar.  I was wearing full personal protection clothing, but managed 
to come in contact with poison oak.  Apparently it hadn't leafed out yet 
so I didn't see it when I was out grubbing out the areas where we were 
cutting logs.
I ended up with large areas of blistered rash, mostly on my legs.
It has been two weeks now, and I am left with a large area (about 6" by 
8" on the back of one leg that is scabbed where all the blisters were. 
The skin is very dry and the crease on the back/inside of my knee is 
extremely sore.  The doctor says I should only wash with betadine and 
not use any lotions or soaps on it. He prescibed a course of oral 
medications--motrin, claritin, an antibiotic and prednisone. A nurse 
suggested I apply cold wet cloths to it several times a day to hydrate 
the skin.
I am having a very hard time walking because of this.  My leg does not 
want to bend because of all the dry, cracked, scabbed skin.
Can anyone suggest anything I can do to promote healing and improve my 
recovery?  I also have large areas of red rash without blisters and 
other large areas of  pink, itchy dry skin.

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