[pct-l] Southbound trip end of july

Clémentine Meyniel clementine.meyniel2 at etu.univ-lorraine.fr
Mon Jul 28 15:04:01 CDT 2014

Hello guys! 

We send you this mail just to present us and to you few questions. 
We are three French people named Adrien Goud, Guillaume Lafont and Clementine Meyniel who attend to do the Pacific Crest from the Manny Pass (2599.3miles) in the Southbound way, starting at the end of July. Adrien plans to do it entirely (until mid november).Clementine and Guillaume plan to do half of the trip by lack of time (to Old station until mid september). 
We see in the Yogi's guide book that Savant did it in 2004 (page 39 of the book). He says that it's very difficult to find water in desert and ressuply in Sierra in this part of the year. Do you have some information or could you give us some advice about that? 

Thanks a lot for your help! 

The bolosse team: Clementine, Guillaume and Adrien 

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