[pct-l] "Business"...."THE NATURE OF THE BEAST"

Stephen Adams reddirt2 at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 10 14:35:58 CDT 2014

In clarification, it was not my intent to slant what "Uber" and "Bristlecone" had going at Onion Valley.  Great folks, and it was my pleasure to make their acquaintance and some of the great PCT thrus that I had the chance to chat with.  On the other hand I picked up on what Uber described as, "And, in some inexplicable way, not particularly appreciated by some, or somehow expected."  That sums up how I reacted to a couple who came down the trail late and expected a ride to town in the late afternoon.  I told 'em straight up, "They're on their fourth run already today, you might want to wait 'till mornin or hit someone up in the parking lot."  They ended up giving them a ride.  In my book they should not have.  On the other hand, maybe Bristle picked up on what I did and just wanted them out of camp as they were obviously takers.  But that's beside the point.  "Uber" and "Bristlecone" had a great thing going and did a lot to move away from the issues of years past when things were a bit out of hand.  
Just a couple years back certain people got asked to leave.  While this was due in part to a weirdo camp host, things had also got a little too obvious and therefore out of hand.  I was there, I met the dude.  I was there before that, and before that, and for the last twenty years.  OK, this year's camp host is a breath of fresh air, but he too has to answer to his boss.  "Uber" and "Bristlecone"  handled things with the camp host and regarding the boss with great care.  Regardless, over the years there have been issues at Onion.  Whether it's clogged food storage at the trail head from too many re-supplies being left in the lockers provided for trail head parking (more JMT issue), or creating too much of a scene in the campground itself, hikers pirate camping all over the campground etc..., things have been in the air for a while and all I am trying to do is say "Hey!"  
These great folks "Uber" and "Bristlecone" drove hundreds of miles the last couple years to be there and do what they enjoy doing.  I would never want to discount a great act of kindness in any respect like that.  My point is/was, I see the PCT turning into a social event as opposed to the real trail magic as I see it, out on the trail itself.  Nothing wrong with getting some good food and getting to a town etc... and making friends along the way, but the feeling I have been getting these recent years is that things are changing, and maybe not for the better.  Of course that's my personal opinion, but there's the long walk part of the deal and being out there.  To me the PCT experience seems more oriented now on short jaunts between beer and soda stops.  It's as if one need only survive for a few short days and there will be more than enough at the next pit stop.  I can't remember anyone (thru hikers) telling me how great it is to be out there in the big mountains and the things they've seen, experienced other than how bad the skeeters have been, not in the last few years. So yeah, times are changing, not necessarily a bad thing either.  Just want folks to think about how their actions may or may not effect the experience in the near and distant future. 
And please don't take me too seriously, I succeeded in my original intention of changing the subject off a nasty forum conversation.  Apologies to "Uber" as I didn't think thru what I threw out there at their expense.  Awesome folks should you get the chance to meet 'em !         

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