[pct-l] Why California?s Trails Are Disappearing From Our Maps

Diane Soini dianesoini at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 21:10:57 CST 2014

I hiked in that section in 2008 and 2009. Some parts were difficult  
to follow because of cattle, but most of it seemed like a super  
highway to me. But like Terry said, the place where we normally hike  
(the Los Padres Forest) the trails are so bad that the PCT is like  
walking down the freeway in comparison. I was surprised when people  
thought the PCT was hard to follow at times.

I like to tell people that 10 miles on our local trails is like 20  
miles on the PCT and 5 miles on Hurricane Deck is like 20 miles on  
the PCT.

Anyway, it's very true that the trails are disappearing from the map.  
It's too bad, too, because we have so many people who need work and  
so much work to do. You'd think we could put the two together like we  
did back in the last Depression.

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