[pct-l] Extra oil that you carry

DayLate07 . dthibaul07 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 22:28:43 CST 2014

Shroomer  -  you never cease to amaze me.  First your ability to be able to
id and eat fresh mushrooms on the trail (I envy this skill).  Then teaching
me to make yogurt on the trail using Nido.  An now sprouting mung beans etc
on the trail.

I'll give this a whirl at home and see how it goes - but sounds like a
great food option for the trail


> I sprouted mung beans, soy beans, radish seeds, lentils, alfalfa seeds,
> dried green peas and anything else I thought would sprout.  I packed them
> in a small 3x5" ziplock.  After an overnight soak and drain in the morning,
> their own enzymes have begun the process of sprouting, turning the starch
> into sugar.  They are a very nice, crunchy snack after just 12 hours from
> the start, so you're getting the high calories of a bean or seed without
> having to use any fuel to make them palatable.  Water them morning and
> night, draining each time and they will continue swelling, sending out
> their shoot and getting bigger.  I'd  keep eating enough of them so that
> they wouldn't burst the bag.  They never got beyond 2 days or so before
> they were all eaten because they were so good.  I never had them go long
> enough to become the long bean sprouts we buy in a supermarket, because I
> ate them while they were still more bean than sprout.  Free cooking for the
> cost of soaking and letting the seed do its own natural tenderizing.
> Shroomer
> .

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