[pct-l] Pct-L Digest, Vol 73, Issue 8 Oregon section hike

tmjgame at comcast.net tmjgame at comcast.net
Wed Jan 8 22:04:10 CST 2014

IN response-  I would like to add to what Brick posted:  I hiked from Callahans to Trout lake Wa in 2013.  Previously, I did a test section hike from Shelter cove to Mckenzie pass.  I also lived in Bend for several years and hiked the area.  So here are my takes: 

1.I flew for $86 one way from Portland to Medford.  a 50 minute flight as opposed to an 8 hour bus ride ($69).  I found a trail angle thru this list. They picked up at the Medford airport and drove me the 20+ miles to Callahans.  Getting to the actually OR/Cal border is a bit of a challenge and is way beyond asking a trail angle for shuttle to the border. 

2. Portland is less than an hour west from Cascade locks.  The local angel 'Shrek'  can probably hook you up with a ride to PDX.  Hitching is also an easy option.  C-locks is very hiker friendly. 

3. Never seen a bear in central oregon.  I did see a moma and cub at Grizzly canal 2 days North of Callahans near Howard reservoir. Also seen one heading into Mazama village.  No need for cannisters. If you stop at Mazama village, the campground has bear lockers. 

4. Water is not an issue. The longest stretch was from Mazama village to hwy 138 (the North entry to Crater Lake N Park)   That was 22+/- miles of dry.  However, there were water caches on both sides of Hwy 138. (I would not plan on it though) 

5. fish lake or Mazama. Shelter cove. Elk lake or Sisters.  Big lake youth camp (  this is a must stop for PCT hikers.  They will amaze you with kindness).  Ollalie Lake does not take packages but they have limited supplies. Timberline lodge.   

6. I used halfmiles PCt app and hard maps from PCT.  Many use yogi maps. 

7.  HYOH. Be safe.   Walk on! 


I am planning to hike the PCT from the border of California/Oregon to border of Oregon/Washington summer of 2014.  I have hiked the John Muir Trail 3 times, last in 2012 so am experienced, but have questions about the Oregon PCT.  1.  Is there convenient public transportation or for-hire private transportation to reach a start point at the PCT near the California/Oregon border? 2.  At the Oregon/Washington border is there convenient public transportation or for hire private transportation to reach a rental car location? 3.  Will I need a bear cannister?4.  Is finding water a problem?5.  Recommendations for resupply points?6.  Recommendations for maps/books?7.  Any other advice? 

 1.  Is there convenient public transportation or for-hire private 
transportation to reach a start point at the PCT near the 
California/Oregon border? 

The border is about 25 trail miles south of the only convenient road 
access (Interstate 5) just south of Ashland Oregon.  Getting to 
Callahans (near the PCT I5) crossing should be easy from Ashland. You 
can get to Ashland by public transport. 

Siskiyou Summit Road, a dirt road (NF20) from Ashland ski resort will 
get you quite close to the CA/OR border crossing. The trail parallels 
it most of the way 

2.  At the Oregon/Washington border is there convenient public 
transportation or for hire private transportation to reach a rental 
car location? 

Yes. The Town of Cascade Locks is right there and you are on I-84. 
Transport is easy 

3.  Will I need a bear cannister? 
it is not required 

4.  Is finding water a problem? 
No. Not usually, not for most of it, though it can be dryer during 
thru hiking season that much of the trail just south of it. After the 
deserts in the south, it didn't seem like a big deal to me, but if you 
are starting there, the maybe? 

5.  Recommendations for resupply points? 

6.  Recommendations for maps/books? 
Lots around for download. try http://www.pctmap.net/ or get his smartphone app. 

7.  Any other advice? 
Have fun. Good luck and HYOH 

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