[pct-l] Permit Questions (Canada permit)

enyapjr at comcast.net enyapjr at comcast.net
Sat Feb 1 14:52:02 CST 2014

> I have sent in my USPassport for renewal. Can I send in my permit for entry into Canada 
> using my passport number even though I don't have the new expiration date?

Short answer - "no" - for various reasons...
Your new passport will have a different number than your previous one (even if not expired yet when sent in)...
If your passport has already expired, it is not considered "valid" per the Canadian PCT Co-ordinator...
But...you do not need to submit your passport info - you could send in a copy of your birth certificate instead.

I recently called and inquired - even though I had to previously prove my US citizenship to initially obtain my 
US passport in 2003 (which expired in 2013) - Canada does not consider it "valid" proof of my US citizenship!
'Funny', though - you do not 'need' a US passport to enter Canada - you only 'need' your passport upon leaving
Canada at the US border, by US border officers - not the Canadian border officers!!  Go figure...????

Happy trails!!!
Jim (PITA)

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