[pct-l] Planning a Section Hike - Ziggy & The Bear to I-5

Tim Gustafson tjg at tgustafson.com
Tue Dec 16 22:43:38 CST 2014


I'm planning my 2015 section hike, and I intend to do the section from
Ziggy and the Bear's to I-5.

I'd like to avoid the herd this year, so I was thinking I'd go earlier
than usual.  I did a little weather research and the averages for Big
Bear for April 12 - April 25 seem to be reasonable - the overnights
are a bit low, but I have a 10 degree bag:


Also, looking at the NOAA National Snow Analysis page shows that there
isn't a lot of snow cover in the area that time of year (although
their map resolution is kinda low, so maybe there just isn't enough
resolution to see):


My questions are as follows:

1. Is this crazy talk, or might this be a good idea?

2. I'm thinking, if this isn't crazy talk, that water might be more
abundant at this earlier time of year, actually making the hike
through this section somewhat easier.  Is that sound reasoning, or
utter nonsense?

3. Does anyone know what the snow cover along the trail in the Big
Bear area might be like that early in the season?  I know San Jacinto
would probably have significant snow at that time, but I was wondering
if Big Bear somehow had a different weather pattern or likelihood of
snow?  NOAA says that there won't be much snow at that time of year,
but I was wondering if anyone had some personal experience they might
like to offer?


Tim Gustafson
tjg at tgustafson.com

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