[pct-l] Fwd: Mountain Bikers...string'em high

Reinhold Metzger reinholdmetzger at cox.net
Fri Nov 1 11:54:42 CDT 2013

"TELL' M"  THE  WAY  IT  IS!!!
[pct-l] What do you say to mountain bikers on the PCT?THAT'S MY BOY 
DEEMS!!!! "Tell'em" the way it is!!! No mercy for violators of the 
law!!! Those "SCOUNDRELS" do not belong on the PCT.

This is a hiking and equestrian trail,...not a biking trail.
Stand your ground,..you are right,..they are wrong.
Don't blink, give them no way to get around you.

Word of caution...be careful not to get run over by speeding bikers.
Also be careful and make sure you are not outnumbered and that
the bikers are not much bigger than you.
Also take into consideration that you might suffer severe bodily
harm in your confrontation with the bikers, you may be far from
medical help and the bikers might not be inclined to evacuate you
to the nearest hospital.

Those are important things to consider before confronting a group
of rowdy law violating bikers.
But if you do suffer severe bodily harm Deems, you will have the
satisfaction of knowing you did the right thing, and that is the
important thing.

I'm just trying to look out for your well being Deems.
And rest assured, Switchback and I will visit you at the hospital
and bring you flowers.

Your buddy,
JMT Reinhold
Deems wrote:
Why be civil to civil disobedience?
Speak up, tell them they are criminals, defend this trail's rights.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
When I hiked the Bucks Lakes Wilderness section  this year, the trail
was covered with motorcycle and mtn bike tracks, and I awaited an
encounter as I hiked.
I planned to stand my ground on the trail and not give them any
respect or way around me.
Dick Cheney said it best "Go fhuck yourself".
If mtn bikers want a challenge,  to poach a trail, and ride
illegally, try I-5.
The PCT, as passed by Congress is a foot path only.
It's the law.
Hikers, show no respect, voice loudly, photograph the criminals, and
give no ground on the PCT to bikes.
   http://users.sisqtel.net/losthiker/pikastove/The%20Pct%20Rules!.jpg  <http://users.sisqtel.net/losthiker/pikastove/The%20Pct%20Rules%21.jpg>  

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