[pct-l] Desert water filters

David Thibault dthibaul07 at gmail.com
Thu May 30 21:56:51 CDT 2013

HI Timberline,  I only remember having to use a bandana a few time on the
PCT to filter out floaties.  Most water sources were pretty good that way -
they just weren't often enough....

PS.  I'm not the pickest of persons when it comes to H20.

I used aqua mira and had no issues with water treatment the whole way.


> I didn't want to hijack the thread about the Sawyer squeeze filter - so
> I'll
> start a new one. I'm gathering gear this year to try out in prep for a 2014
> PCT thru.  In my Sierra hikes, I've often used steripens and Aqua Mira
> drops
> and have been happy with both.  I'm leaning towards the AM drops for
> weight,
> simplicity, and robustness.  However, I realize there may be times when
> water calls out to be pre-filtered - mainly to get rid of the Yuck factor.
> I know some people use bandanas, some people use coffee filters, etc...
> Something like the Sawyer Squeeze seems like overkill and more prone to
> clogging for truly yucky water.
> So my question is this - on a typical PCT thru, how often does water need
> to
> be pre-filtered to make it "aesthetically acceptable"?  Keep in mind I'm
> not
> looking for crystal clear water.  I'm OK with somewhat cloudy water, but I
> think I would drink less water (not a good thing) if it was frequently
> brown
> or I was often picking things out of my teeth (!).
> The frequency of occurrence matters to me because if it's just a time or
> two
> the whole trip, I can live with the bandana filter.  If I need to do that
> several times a week in the desert, I'll probably want to go with something
> more robust and convenient.
> I know this is a subjective question, but I would appreciate your
> experience
> and I'll figure it out from there.  Also, if you have ideas about
> pre-filters that have worked for you (as opposed to total filters like the
> Sawyer treatment systems) I'd love to hear them.

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