[pct-l] Halfmile's app

Jennifer Zimmerman jenniferlzim at gmail.com
Wed May 15 00:31:06 CDT 2013

Hello list,

I just wanted to express my appreciation to the contributors behind
Halfmile's app. We use this tool all the time on our thruhike and really
love its functionality. I know it's usually unnecessary to know exactly
where one is on the trail at any given point, we are both data dogs and
find it really fun to be able to pinpoint our location so quickly,
calculate our speed, what kind of elevation change we just hiked, and other
such statistics.  Thank you to Halfmile and any other folks who had a hand
in its development.  As I sit here in Wrightwood I was just able to
calculate that we've done about 120,000 feet of total elevation change
since Campo.  What a morale booster! That is, as long as I don't think
about how much we have left...

Thanks also to Halfmile and the crowd for the maps and all the info on
them.  Before it ever seemed possible that we would be out here hiking, I
used to read trail journals and try to follow along on the maps.  Nothing
like the real thing, of course, but it helped ease the pain. More than once
I've shared my maps with a non-thruhiker on the trail, and they are always
impressed by the quality and quantity of info. My father, who is thrilled
about our hike and brags about it to anyone who will listen, uses the
Halfmile google earth track to follow our progress in combination with our
SPOT messages. It means a lot to us (and to him) that he is able to share
our dream in near-realtime.

So, thank you for all you've done for us hikers!


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