[pct-l] Mountain Bike Posts
Barry Teschlog
tokencivilian at yahoo.com
Tue May 14 17:40:33 CDT 2013
Devon Taig wrote:
"SaveThePCT" is, I can only imagine by its name, not particularly impartial
on the topic of bikes. Clearly there should be a place where people with
differing opinions on a range of PCT relevant topics can discuss things in
a civil manner.
And one can imagine that by their names "Share the PCT" and "Wilderness B" are also not particularly impartial on the topic of bikes destroying the PCT and Wilderness, respectively.
On the 2nd quoted sentence: The MTBers came onto the "Pacific Crest Trail" FB page and more or less destroyed the discussion about the PCT, with repeated flame posts, spam, junk posts, blatant lies (e.g. "hikers do zero trail work", "the PCTA has said they can't take care of the PCT") and the rest, prior to the moderators apparently banning / kicking them out. This MTBer behavior on that page a few months back is a microcosm of what would happen if bikes were allowed on the PCT - aggressive, obnoxious individuals would drive away the existing (hiker and equestrian) user community, destroying the trail for the current users - just as the MTBers were in the process of destroying the PCT FB page before the mods put their foot down. The PCT FB page is now back to it's former self - a great venue for PCT discussion.
Brick: Thank you for keeping the PCT-L a great place to discuss the PCT.
Devon, apparently one can't have a reasonable conversation with a MTBer since no matter how many times it's said to them they just don't get or care that the mere possibility of having a bike come screaming down a trail ruins the experience for many a hiker and equestrian (and never mind the actual fact of being, or nearly being run down). Impacts to other users seemingly don't register on MTBer radar screens - hikers and equestrians it would seem count for naught in their book. Based on their words and actions, the only users that matter are MTBers and to heck with everyone else.
And as Mendo Rider as said - REPORT, REPORT, REPORT bikers on the PCT to the proper authorities. Pictures, dates, descriptions, numbers, vandalism, damage, etc. Your report may be the one that provides the final clue as to when & where these scofflaws typically poach, which will allow the long arm of the Law to find and punish the guilty parties.
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