[pct-l] Mountain Bike Posts

Ken Murray kmurray at dr.com
Tue May 14 13:46:53 CDT 2013

"The admin is blocking mountain bike posts"


"The moderator of the list has declared bicycles on the PCT off topic. I respect that. It's not difficult."


Brick has declared posts IN FAVOR of MTB's to be off limits. He is not in any way wanting to stifle discussion of the damage that we see, nor the dangers that we experience.

"May I please remind everyone that pro-MTB-on-the-PCT posts are notallowed on PCT-L."and"Admin Note: Discussions about  *allowing *bikes on the PCT is off topic on this list. Do not post anything  *advocating opening* the PCT to bicycles. It is the apparent tactic of the IMBA (International Mountain Bike Association) and their cohorts to tenaciously take over communities by wearing down their opposition by creating non stop controversy, as the "bikes on the PCT folks" are trying to here"A policy which this Peavey person apparently chooses not to follow.

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