[pct-l] C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S / And the Mountain Bike problem

Craig Giffen cg at lunky.com
Tue May 14 09:47:22 CDT 2013

This is a safety issue.  I have been riding mountain bikes since the late 80's and I do not want hikers on the same trails that I ride on and vice versa.  This is also the reason private ski areas separate mountain bike trails from hiking trails, that or make their mountain bike trails one way only.  They want to avoid collisions, be it hiker/biker or biker/biker.

The admin is blocking mountain bike posts because they were becoming a huge distraction to the list six months ago, causing people to unsubscribe.  This moderation has occurred for many other heated threads that became a distraction, not just mountain bikes.

If you object to this, please feel free to create your your own PCT email list as you see fit.  The Sharing the PCT Facebook page is a great place to start too.


On May 14, 2013, at 1:16 AM, jason povey <golobos_55 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> The federal govt cares less about you, they are the ones who put up the signs and regulate the trails when its public not federal or state property.  I pay the same taxes you do for public land.  For hikers or horseback riders to take the soap box is a laugh.  If you truly want to protect lands 

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