[pct-l] Early PCT casualtis

lilacs007 at yahoo.com lilacs007 at yahoo.com
Wed May 1 17:25:26 CDT 2013

Totally my opinion...

But it's not negative things that bother me, and I agree pretty much everyone on here gives great advice.
I do think it's just rude to get snarky and assume things about people you don't know.

Regarding wasting resources etc- well when someone experienced gets lost then it's not wasting resources? Should they be held up to a higher standard then?
No right? Things happen, that's why paramedics and fire fighters have a job! If they went somewhere restricted then I would get the anger/remarks. 
Do you know how many people I've had to pick up off the ground DOA  after car accident because they were not wearing a seat belt? Should I not have been called as a paramedic?
I think it's weird that people diss the Wild because that woman was out there prepared gear wise. Her pack was ridiculous! And she made it known the hike was hard, mentally and physically. 

Now had she said the hike was a breeze.. That's another story.

People that join lists like this and others (I'm in a few medical ones) are mostly okay with normal warnings etc but when you start passing that line, it just looks rude and condescending. Constructive criticism is always appreciated though! 

 My feeling is there are other avenues to talk smack- maybe off list.
And as for people just not taking it personally etc..it is the writers responsibility to edit their work so it represents them as a person and is clear to others.. I'm supposed to sit here reading every reply and discern what that person means? 

Hope everyone is doing great out there!

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: davefajer at gmail.com
Sender: pct-l-bounces at backcountry.net
Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 21:07:47 
To: joe stott<kntemplar6 at gmail.com>; <pct-l-bounces at backcountry.net>; Reinhold Metzger<reinholdmetzger at cox.net>
Reply-To: davefajer at gmail.com
Cc: PCT<pct-l at backcountry.net>
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Early PCT casualtis

Here! Here!  Joe!

I am sure that JMT Reinhold is validly concerned about the safety an d welfare of each hiker.

As a noob...I can state unequivocably that JMT, Ned, Yogi, and other seasoned, knowledgeable PCT FOLKS ON THIS LISTSERV inform more people and keep more hikers prepared and safe thru their efforts and communications than anyone can fathom....I tend to read "thru the tone" for the content!

Thanks to all,

Coastal. PCT Wannabe 2015
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: joe stott <kntemplar6 at gmail.com>
Sender: pct-l-bounces at backcountry.net
Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 10:54:51 
To: Reinhold Metzger<reinholdmetzger at cox.net>
Cc: PCT<pct-l at backcountry.net>
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Early PCT casualtis

How would one gain the experience needed to began a thru hike?
It is the individual experience and the journey in itself that
is different for everyone.
I agree that it is foolish to begin something like a thru hike unprepared.
However one must learn from ones own mistakes, to fail something and get
back up and try again, that is the human spirit that drives us to succeed,
Imagine if we had stopped our voyage to the moon with Apollo One?
I say let everyone Hike There Own Hike and live there own dream.

Just a thought from a Newbie.

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 1:33 AM, Reinhold Metzger <reinholdmetzger at cox.net>wrote:

> I am not at all surprised.
> It used to be that a PCT thru was best left to be attempted by
> experienced hikers.
> This seems to have changed.
> For some time now the trail has been romanticized and attracted an ever
> increasing number of novice, inexperienced hikers with statements like...
> ooohhh, your safer on the trail than in your own home...
> ooohhh, anybody can do it...grandma can do it....
> you don't need any experience,...you will get experienced as you go.
> Don't worry about the snakes, bears or Mountain Lions.
> They will not bother you unless you bother them....unless they are hungry.
> You don't need a map or compass, and if you get lost or in trouble you can
> always call 911....so be sure to bring your cell phone and emergency
> beeper.
> This is a recipe for a disaster in the making.
> The more inexperienced hikers on a trail like the PCT,  the greater the
> risk of
> failures and casualties .
> NED,....get your rescue teams ready, you may have a busy season.
> JMT Reinhold
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