[pct-l] ADZPCTKO Campsite Policy

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Wed Mar 20 09:03:46 CDT 2013

I think you are reading this through pre-thru-hiker glasses. The  
entire trail is your home. You do not need to sleep at the  
campground. You can sleep elsewhere and walk in to the festivities.

On Mar 19, 2013, at 11:08 PM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:

> Subject: Re: [pct-l] ADZPCTKO Campsite Policy
> Greg,?
> I want to make sure I'm understanding your message.
> You are saying through hikers, with no notice of when we needed to  
> register, and an incredibly short window to actually register, are  
> going to be turned away from the the KO once you reach a magic  
> number that we won't know until we get there? And then, maybe there  
> will be another spot for us somewhere up the trail?
> I'll survive without it but I was looking forward to it and really  
> wanted the water safety course and bigfoots presentation since it  
> appears I have PF and not heels that bruise really easy when I hike.
> Am I reading that wrong?
> Bill

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