[pct-l] trail conditions section N-O
Ed Jarrett
edjarrett at msn.com
Sun Jun 23 20:20:49 CDT 2013
Rightly proud. And I for one am grateful. Thanks!
Ed Jarrett Blog: http://aclayjar.blogspot.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdJarrett53 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ed.jarrett.71
> Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 17:29:52 -0700
> From: charlesnolie at yahoo.com
> To: Pct-L at backcountry.net
> Subject: Re: [pct-l] trail conditions section N-O
> hiker 2009 and all,
> Happy to report we met up with the offending trees from this trail report of Peavine Creek to Burney Falls State Park in section O. To quote somebody that I think was famous for having said it..."We have met the enemy and they are ours". Was that Perry?
> We have now cleared all the way from Lassen National Park to Peavine Creek in Section O with only one exception: The 60 incher near Screwdriver Creek. Turns out the "sailor" is "only" 56 inches. But not to dispair, it is in gentle country with few other trees to get around on the slope so it is an easy "get around" for horse and hiker. I'll return to the scene when I can round up another qualified individual and remove the beast. And for those that like to count...the score is now:
> The Quincy Area Maintainers: 176 (trees cleared)
> vs.
> The Blowdowns: 1 (the sailor)
> And still to come...reports of success from, hopefully,
> 1) the BCHC Sutter Buttes Unit's "ride and saw" from Belden to Hwy 36 finishing the job this Thursday.
> 2) the 85 mile section ride and saw (and a hiker too) from Jackson Meadows Reservoir to Buck's Summit...Not too late for a hiker or horseman to join the crew...July 3 thru 13ish. Because, hey, if I didn't promote my own trips who would?
> 3) Hwy 36 to Lassen National Park who knows when, but definitly this summer.
> Enough gratuitous self promotion for now...but obviously I'm proud of what I do.
> QuincyRider
> --- On Tue, 5/28/13, hiker2009 at comcast.net <hiker2009 at comcast.net> wrote:
> From: hiker2009 at comcast.net <hiker2009 at comcast.net>
> Subject: [pct-l] trail conditions section N-O
> To: pct-l at backcountry.net
> Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 2:19 PM
> Over the weekend I hiked from Peavine Creek (14 miles into section O) back to Old Station.
> The trail was mostly in excellent shape - thank you trail maintainers!
> In particular, some work had been recently accomplished to clear some fairly large
> trees on the old Highway 44 grade up to the Highway 44 PCT/Mud Lake trailhead. Note that the signs telling southbound
> hikers about the Lassen detour (which starts at Mud Lake) were down at the Sputter Cones trailhead, about 4 miles too late,
> although if there were any southbound through hikers now they might be stopping at Old Station to resupply.
> No trail maintenance issues until at all until the backpackers campground at Burney Falls, which had quite a few campers.
> After that there was a normal assortment of the usual 12-18" trees across the trail, easily stepped over by man or beast.
> But around the Screwdriver Creek trail junction, a few miles south of Peavine Creek, there was more to report. There are
> a number of trees across the tail, several in the 24-30" category and one in the 60".
> Since the slope is gentle, all had easy bypasses.
> But some of the bypasses need to be stabilized and canonized if that's less trouble than removing the tree.
> There was one tree that seemed likely to me the be blocking to stock. It was only 4" thick but it was horizontal across the
> trail at chest height and was quite long, disappearing into thick brush on either side with no obvious bypass. The first rider
> through here will probably have to do something about it but fortunately it shouldn't take long. This tree was about a mile or two
> south of Peavine Creek.
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